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- Imagine a village neither here or there,nor in any particular time,in fact
- it could be right in between!. Think of birds flying through golden
- clouds,far over the mountains, and the flakes of snow twisting and turning
- down onto the brilliant white landscape. there`s a waterfall in the
- distance with strange shapes and visions riding on the arcs of a
- rainbow.light emerging from its wash,reflected on a timeless river,flowing
- beneath the sheets of ice.
- A lonely cottage stands quietly,its steps worn by the feet of many
- people,old-young and poor. A sign above the window reads `toys` in large
- green letters. snow falls from the branch of a nearby tree and thumps to
- the ground. Making a large hole in the drift.
- Inside the toymaker arises,carefully putting his tools in their rightful
- places whilst wiping the shavings of wood from his cloak. After lighting
- his candle he puts on his nightcap and stares at the clock above the
- mantlepiece. As the flickering flames create strange visions around the
- room, he yawns and begins yet another journey to bed.
- The workshop is littered with boxes full of all kinds of toys -
- soldiers,cars,wooden tops,dolls,teddy bears. Shelves are stacked high with
- aeroplanes,balls,robots and oh yes! a troll, a small wooden troll exchanged
- by a young boy for a spinning top.
- The clock strikes 12...the chimes echo around the dusty old cottage. a toy
- soldiers key begins whirring in his back,something is about to happen to
- the troll who`s alone on the shelf...and he seems to know.
- Suddenly the snow stops falling,the clock which has ceaselessly ticked
- throughout the years abruptly grinds to a halt.
- not a sound can be heard,not even a mouses heartbeat. But wait, there is a
- strange creaking noise. the trolls eyes open,he takes his first breath of
- air and bursts into life,running along the shelf where he has sat
- motionless for all these years.
- A magical room has appeared,with many strange doors,surely this is an
- invitation to a great adventure. Thoughts flash through his mind, why is
- this happening? what do i have to do in these new worlds?.....a voice
- answers, `you will become a hero tonight little troll,you must find the
- lost babies and retrun them home safely. You will be able to fly,swim and
- swing with a magical yo-yo, popping balloons along the way`
- sounds strange doesnt it?..well really this is going to be a magical night
- of adventures and fun,after all....everyone has to be a hero once in their
- life,dont they?..
- ------------------------------------------------------
- loading
- -------
- p.c
- minimum specification.
- 640k ram with 550k free
- ega or vga/mcga video card
- at or xt compatible machine
- also supports.
- ibm analogue joystick
- amstrad digital type joystick
- pc speaker
- adlib sound card
- soundblaster sound card.
- running from floppy disk.
- 1. insert disk 1 into drive a
- 2. type trolls
- 3. trolls will now load automatically
- follow on screen prompts for different disks.
- installing and running from hard disk.
- installation procedure.
- 1. make a sub directory for the game.EG md/trolls on your hd
- 2. go into the sub directory you have created by . cd/trolls
- 3. insert disk 1 into drive a
- 4. copy a**, this will copy all the files from disk 1 to hd
- 5. repeat procedure from (3) with remaining disks,until all are on hd
- 6. installation is now complete
- running from hd.
- 1. type cd/trolls if trolls was the sub dir you created
- 2. type trolls
- 3. trolls will now load
- setup screen.
- you will be shown a game config screen. if the setting are correct press
- space to select `yes`. if the settings are wrong use the arrow keys to
- control the highlight bar up and down and space to select. select `no`
- follow the prompts you are given to select;
- video mode / sound mode / control mode.
- ------------------------------------------------------
- control keys
- ------------
- keyboard up arrow jump
- down arrow down
- left arrow left
- right arrow right
- return/enter/space bar fire
- f1 pause
- f2 restart
- esc quit game
- Note; if you have a slower pc, you may wish to turn the colour bars off to
- speed the game up.
- Amiga and Atari ST
- ------------------
- Amiga ;minimum requirements
- 500/500+/600/1200
- 1 meg byte ram
- Joystick
- Atari st; minimum requirements
- 520/1040
- Joystick
- Insert disk 1 into drive and follow on screen prompts
- Opening Sequence
- ----------------
- A looping opening sequence will play. [pc/amiga/st]
- Press fire to exit from this.
- Title screen.
- Press fire to start the game
- Press escape to exit back to dos (pc)
- Playing the game
- ----------------
- The level selection screen
- This is where you can select which which level you wish to play. the levels
- can be completed in any order,but all must be completed to enter the final
- challenge which is situated behind a large wooden door. There are 2 types
- of door which you can enter.
- Level doors
- -----------
- Through each of these doors you can see a silhouette of the world you will
- enter through that door. The door pillars give you a clue.
- Bonus doors
- -----------
- These doors have spinning question marks on them, you can only enter a
- bonus door after you have completed a level, and you will be given a prompt
- as to when this is the case. note: each world`s door is situated close to
- the world door itself.
- To enter a door press - down - or pull - down - on the joystick. once you
- have selected and enetered a level you will be told the number of baby
- trolls you will need to find to exit this land.
- Press fire to continue
- ----------------------
- Controls.
- Up Jump. Tapped quickly to fly (only when you have the wings)
- Left To run left or to stop quickly when running hit right
- Right To run right or to stop quick when running left
- Fire To throw a yo-yo (when collected)
- The yo-yo
- ---------
- The yo-yo is available when you have collected it. The yo-yo can be used to
- break down walls and bricks and also to swing from platforms. To throw the
- yo-yo press fire. If you release the fire button it will return back to
- you. to throw in the direction you are facing, simply press fire, when you
- press fire and use a combination of up+direction it will throw it
- diagonally. Press `up` to throw it upwards.
- Swinging the yo-yo
- ------------------
- As detailed above you can throw the yo-yo at various angles. once you have
- collected a yo-yo,jump into the air and at the same time press `fire` with
- the selected throwing angle,if it attaches onto something.EG a platform.
- hold the fire button and the troll will swing on the yo-yo until...
- 1. You let go of fire
- 2. You hit something you cannot go through (a brick wall)
- Collectables found in and around the levels
- -------------------------------------------
- There are 4 types of objects found on the levels..
- Baby trolls
- -----------
- At the start of a level you are told how many baby trolls you need to
- collect before you can proceed to the next level. Run up to them to collect
- them.
- The contents of balloons
- ------------------------
- As you run past the balloons they will pop and an object will explode into
- the air. to collect or make use of the contents. You must catch the objects
- before they disappear.
- Special powers
- --------------
- The trolls normal hair is purple,but its hair colour changes as it collects
- and uses objects collected from balloons.
- The following collectables will give special powers for a limited time.
- Boot Speed up boot - gives the troll a greater deal of speed and will
- also give enhanced jumping capabilities. Hair turns - yellow -
- Shield The shield gives total protection from monsters. Hair turns -red-
- Ball +
- Chain The ball and chain slows you down. Hair turns - black -
- Wings The wings allow you to fly around the level. Hair turns -white -
- Beer The alcohol from a glass of beer makes your movements very
- unresponsive until the alcohol wears off. Hair turns - green -
- Springy
- Shoes The springy shoes allow you to jump twice as far as normal. Hair
- turns - blue -
- Alarm
- Clock The alarm clock freezes monsters. Hair turns - purple -
- Bonus items which are scattered around the platforms
- -----------------------------------------------------
- These are purely point bonuses to raise your score,unless you are in a
- `bogus` level, when you will need to find a pair of specified objects to
- exit.
- The information panel
- ---------------------
- Left to right.
- A baby`s dummy contains the number of baby trolls you have collected so far
- on this level.
- Score. The number of points you have gained so far
- Hearts. Below the score are 3 hearts, every time you hit a monster
- Bonus/Bogus. When you first start the level this area will clear, until you
- collect the letters to soell `bonus` or `bogus` which determine the special
- level to be played once you leave the pig stop (see later).
- Lives counter. Indicates the number of lives left
- To exit a level and `Flying Pigs`
- ---------------------------------
- When you have collected the required number of baby trolls from the level
- you will receive a message `find the stop pig`
- a typical pig stop looks like the winged pig `pigasus` who will carry you
- off to the next level.
- Big Red Elephants
- -----------------
- Every now and again you will come across a `big red elephant`. he is not a
- monster, but a friend who will never forget where he last saw you. Walk up
- to him,when he jumps away he has your position noted. if you lose a life,
- you will be returned to where the elephant last saw you.
- Super Cool White Rabbits With Shades
- ------------------------------------
- If you`ve always wanted to find a `lucky rabbit` here is your chance. these
- rabbits can only be found in the bonus levels. You will be awarded a
- continue for every one you find in the game.
- On the continue screen use the left and right to select `yes` and `no` and
- fire to choose.
- Lifts,Falling Platforms And Springs
- -----------------------------------
- Some lifts are moving when you get onto them,others only start to move when
- you step onto them,falling platforms are always well hidden and will
- surprise you so beware.
- Springs,bouncy platforms which sink when you are standing on them lift you
- up into the air. To make maximum use of springs jump up and down until the
- desired height is achieved.
- Bonus level
- -----------
- Collect all you can,but keep an eye on the time bar at the top of the
- screen as you must find the exit before time runs out.(otherwise you will
- lose everything you collected in that level - even white rabbits)
- Bogus level
- -----------
- At the beginning of the level you are given the task of finding a pair of
- specified objects. If you find the pair of objects and get to the exit
- before time runs out you are given `double bonus points` for that level. if
- you fail you will `lose a life`. Its risky but the rewards are high!
- Scoring
- -------
- Extra lives are given for every 5000 points collected
- The doors to the worlds are situated on 3 shelves in the toymakers shop.
- the multi-level worlds that are to be explored are as follows...
- Toyland
- -------
- A childs greatest delight is a land full of toys of all shapes and sizes.
- `trolls` in toyland is no disappointment with teddy bears and toy
- soldiers,brick castles and model areoplanes giving you a hint of the things
- you will find in this enchanted world. But space hoppers and slinkys not to
- mention kamikaze aircraft are here to make progress that little bit more
- challenging.
- Medialand
- ---------
- When a character makes news then he ends up in the papers. a troll is no
- exception and trolls in medialand brings a whole new dimension to the game.
- its a `mono` land so dont adjust your set. Just read the headlines and
- enjoy `spot the ball` and crossword competitions as you move around
- rulers,pencils and other items of stationery. But watch out because
- bouncing ink blobs,animated angle poise lamps,squirting fountain pens and
- many many more are out to get you!.
- Cherry soda land
- ----------------
- Enjoy a refreshing a thirst quenching break as the trolls in soda land
- introduces the challenge in you. The troll and pink psychedelic liquid
- enviroment which will test your ability to the full, swim through a sea of
- cherry soda pop with all the exciting creatures that are found in the
- depths of this ocean, you will meet electric eels,jelly fish,pinching
- crabs,angel fisk,sharks,floating icebergs and many many more monsters..to
- stay alive keep your oxygen supply topped up by collecting balloons
- containing air bubbles,but watch out and collect and use wisely.
- Fairground land
- ---------------
- A trip down the boardwalk to the local fairground is more un than a troll
- could ask for. trolls in fairground land is set on a seaside pier,and
- includes all the rides imagineable,ghost trains and ferris wheels,the
- tunnel of love,roller coaster are just some of the superb amusements on
- offer,but watch out for the hamburgers and hotdogs,candy floss and toffee
- apples are not the friendly objects you might expect.
- Fableland
- ---------
- When it comes to fantasy you wont believe the wonder and surprise that
- awaits your visit to this land of make believe. Trolls in fableland is
- where time stands still,magical castles,waterfalls and of course the land
- through the looking glass provide the perfect scene to met up with the mad
- hatter,killer bees,puff the magic dragon and others, the friendly garden
- enviroment soon throws down a challenge to make even the best of players
- run for the nearest warp.
- Boardgame land
- --------------
- Dont trust a wayward troll with your money, thats the message when you
- visit `trolls` in boardgame land which is set against the most colourful of
- gameboards and is a oland of hidden opportunities,slide down snakes and
- climb progressive ladders,run along playing card platforms in an attempt to
- find the elusive pig stop. But beware of the counters and dice,chessman and
- dominoes just waiting to send a cash rich troll to his gambling end.
- Candy land
- ----------
- Advenbtures to the land of milk and honey are not uncommon,not until you
- see whats in store for you here that is. Trolls in candy land is where the
- sweet tooth fairy comes into her own. Move amongst candy canes and choclate
- beans,ice cream cones and rock candy, even bubble gum dispensers in the
- greatest candy guzling experience yet. Dont be to greedy though because fat
- boy will do everything he can to stop you stealing his favourite things.
- thats not to mention the chocolate rabbit(without shades) who is eager to
- get his paws on the goodies!.